Star Garden Gallery: Art & Adventures under the New Mexico Sky


studio updates

Marching into Spring

Oh, it has been a momentous month for me as a teacher— I completed my teaching dossier and it passed, so I now have my official State of New Mexico Teaching License! I got the news just as my spring break started. Over the spring break, Zach and I enlarged the fence in the backyard so that our dogs, Samus and Tuna, have more room to run. We re-used 115’ of the old fencing by opening it up/repositioning it, and added 200’ of new fencing! The yard looks and feels more open. In the photos, you can see how dry it is here. Things are slowly starting to green up, but I am afraid that the frequent but small snowfalls this winter will not help to relieve the drought conditions. At the end of the spring break week, my mom and I took a big day trip up to Weston, Colorado near Trinidad. We went over the Raton pass and the views of the Rockies– with freshly fallen snow– were stunning! We also saw a lot of Pronghorn in the grasslands of Northern New Mexico. The reason for the trip was to pick up some artwork that was a gift from my friend and mentor Stuart Fink, who recently passed away. A Cincinnati friend, Chad, arranged for close friends of his, Shannon and Drake, to bring the items to their home in Colorado. It was a day filled with synchronicity and small world stories— we seem to be related to Drake’s family! I had a little bit of time for my own artwork, and luckily the next show at the Old School Gallery was postponed by a week, so I have a few more days to complete some small experimental collages for the exhibit. I’ll share photos of these new pieces when they are finished. And, as March comes to a close, it would be remiss of me not to mention that a highlight of the month has been watching Tuna grow, play, and explore— with Samus leading and Zach training him. We are loving this new addition to our family.

Andrea SparksComment