Star Garden Gallery: Art & Adventures under the New Mexico Sky


studio updates

Bundled Up

December found me reflecting on the loss of a dear friend and mentor of mine— Stuart Fink. Stuart introduced me to growing native plants and wildflowers when I worked for him from 1996-2000 in Cincinnati. Then, from 2000-2021, we talked on the phone almost every Saturday, and shared a handful of in-person visits over the past two decades. Our conversations about art, gardening, teaching, and life were full of lessons and laughter.

On a glorious Saturday afternoon in early December, Zach suggested honoring Stuart with a special kiln firing in our backyard. Stuart’s voice, ideas, humor, and love will remain with me and continue to inspire me in my own creative journey.

Later in the month came the full cold moon, wave-like clouds, dappled skies, snowy days, and cozy afternoons in my home studio with dreams and memories arising on the canvases.

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year in 2022!

Andrea SparksComment