Star Garden Gallery: Art & Adventures under the New Mexico Sky


studio updates

Winter Update

Here in El Morro, we’ve had a lot more snow this year than last year. Bands of storms have come across California carrying lots of moisture and cold temps. Actually, it's been a very relaxing and productive winter for me-- lots of time for studio work, creating inventory for the gallery/shop, and creating an online shop via Redbubble-- a print-on-demand platform for artists! The gallery building has been so cold and snowed in during January and February that we haven’t been able to work on it. As the snow starts to melt and with warmer temperatures, I think we'll be able to finish the painting the interior walls and install the flooring in March. Then, we’ll start working on the outdoor patio and pathways. I hope to officially open the tiny gallery in late spring/early summer. In the meantime, please check out my ‘shop’ at RedBubble:

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