Star Garden Gallery: Art & Adventures under the New Mexico Sky


studio updates

Swinging into Spring…

A quick trip to Albuquerque over spring break showed the promise of warmth and renewal with lots of blooming trees. There was still some snow on the swing up at Star Garden Gallery when I went up there on Wednesday after school to take a walk and gather some items. Each weekend this month seems to have had a quick snowstorm, which lent itself to tea and cornbread, cozy reading, making soap, starting some paintings, and school work. We have snow in the forecast for tonight— that’s not an April Fool’s joke— but, this morning— a golden eagle and a meadowlark were on the fence posts in the field as harbingers of spring. March’s blog update photos include a flowering tree and a mural in Albuquerque, two photographs of mine (one of Fajada Butte in Chaco Canyon and one from Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness) at the Old School Gallery and the well-attended opening, scenes of snow, land, and sky, yesterday’s hike when the mud had mostly dried, starting some new tiny paintings, making a batch of Star Garden Gallery’s signature soaps (Rose-Vanilla Glycerine & Goat’s Milk, and Coffee with Cream,) a new Lavender Vanilla soap, and— of course—a picture of the pups! Wishing you a warm and wonderful spring!

Andrea SparksComment